Tuesday, December 19, 2017

5 Examples of Metanoia

I learned a new word that has a definition which matches something many of us associate with the holiday season.  It is also something that happens to every single person I meet that has taken a plunge in one way or another into Living Minimalism. 

Interest in learning more usually stems from some vague, unclear want, or desire to shed the busyness of modern life.

that you have the most beautiful face

Then inexplicably, yet without fail, at some point of their journey there is a moment of clarity in which some hidden truth becomes exposed.  Some aspect of their daily lives that was once interpreted as a 'must have' stands out as ineffective, or even burdensome.  That is precisely when the desire to simplify becomes a need that leaves the person, mouth agape in disbelief, dumbfounded that they hadn't seen it sooner.  And so, they decide to fall in love with themselves all over again, and they begin to change.

After that, they see more and more items with the same realization.

George Bailey realized his loved ones were not better off without him, and that wasn't worth more dead than alive, because he had friends.

Ebenezer Scrooge realized he needed to drastically change his greedy ways.  In older versions of his story, he goes so far into benevolence that he appears insane with joy.

The nameless protagonist boy in the Polar Express who was doubting Santa hears the jingle of the bell, and thus his gift is "believing". 

The Grinch annihilated the entire capital industry of Who Village, only to witness them celebrate regardless.

"First you make all the mistakes one makes testing reality. Then you have a near death experience."  -Johnny Madden

met·a·noi·a  -  [medəˈnoiə]   noun

Change in one's way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion.

Happy Metanoia Season!

May your profound experiences be life altering.   -JT

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